Your Hotel Room
I love conferences so much that I wish they would never end. So how do I make the most of my time? I avoid elevators.
No, I do not mean take the stairs. If you know me you know that is not my style. Early in my conference days, I realized I would spend a ton of time waiting in elevators to get into my floor and tons of time walking from the elevator down the hall to my room. Let's say I had to grab something last minute. If 20 other people needed the elevator, we would have to stop at every floor till I got to my room and I would have to book it down the hall to my room. It dawned on me that if I was one of the first people off the elevator, I would gain literally hours onto my conference experience.
The Hack
Call the hotel before your trip and request a room closest to the elevator on the lowest floor available. It costs 0 extra dollars and gives you tons of time back. Remember, time=money.