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Eyeball Recipes: A Caffeinated Classic Connfection!

Who gives a shiz about measurement? Just eyeball it! You know it makes you feel like a real chef! ;)

July 11, 2019

I used to work for Jamba Juice and the reason we were so energized was all the matcha we drank. SNL even made fun of us for it! SNL has since hidden the video from the internet but this parody is great!

Matcha Rice Krispies Treats!

Serving size? One hungry person looking for an energizing snack!

  • Butter! - a third-ish of a stick may be fine. Melt it for 30 seconds. Any more and it can get messy so check to see if it exploded. 
  • Matcha - 1/2 of a matcha spoon scoop (the spoon your matcha comes with not a teaspoon or else you will be off the walls) 1 full spoon is more than enough to wake me up. I put about half of that in the butter. Mix it in. 
  • Marshmallows - I used my favorite marshmallows of all times, Aldi mini marshmallows. They were already stuck together. I put about a third of the bag in the same bowl as the butter. Microwave these for only 30 seconds and don't move away from the microwave. They can explode and expand! We don't want a mess. 
  • MIX! When everything looks melted enough, mix the butter-matcha at the bottom with the marshmallows at the top. 
  • Rice Krispies - add a bunch into the marsh-butter-matcha paste. Don't fill up the whole bowl. We don't want the treats to come out dry. If you see that there is still a bunch of marshmallow concoction at the bottom, add more Rice Krispies. 
  • Mix, mix, mix! 
  • DEVOUR and caffeinate while it's still warm! 

Hot tip!

I used a knife to mix everything and when all was said and done, I used that knife to eat straight from the bowl.