Email lists worth subscribing to:
These are the ones I always try to read when I see them pop up in my inbox, can you believe that?
Mac & Cheese productions
By Saya Hillman
I have been following this inspiration since I saw her speak live at TEDxBloomington. She puts out incredible amounts of value in just one email. She shares epic articles, resources in town, events, jobs, and more. I am really underselling her. She has been dubbed the "Accessible Oprah." My website and even certain life goals take direct inspiration from what she has built.
Side Hustle School
By Chris Guillebeau
His email list tickles my fancy in a similar way to my love of Shark Tank. Every week, Chris has a podcast where he highlights 6 successful side-hustlers. Though I think the best part of this initiative is that he summarizes all the stories into Tweet-length form in his email and then expanded text form on his website. It's like he knew all the questions I would want to be answered and made it really easy to find. I even got to meet him when he came on tour to Chicago back in 2017. He is a cool guy to follow.
An expert on how to run a freelance business
Ryan is a killer freelancer that has really relevant tips on how to succeed. A few lessons I got from his were how to record your customer's feedback and how to utilize it on future marketing and how to charge my rate based on value. He is engaging in social media. His emails get a bit repetitive but always worth getting a refresher.
if you are tech talent, he also has a paid service where he sends you job/contract leads every day!
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